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Združeni Arabski Emirati in Slovenija bosta tako po napovedi sodelovali poslovno, med drugim tudi na področju informacijske tehnologije in infrastrukture. Pri tem se očitno Slovenija ne bo ozirala na problematične prakse Združenih Arabskih Emiratov na področju človekovih pravic in drugih političnih svoboščin, temveč bo ubrala pot ekonomskega kolaboranta.

The United Arab Emirates’ intolerance of criticism continued in 2018 as authorities in May sentenced Ahmed Mansoor, an Emirati award-winning human rights activist, to a 10-year prison sentence for exercising his right to free expression. The government continues to arbitrarily detain and forcibly disappear individuals who criticize authorities. Vir: Human rights watch 2018

Internet freedom remained greatly restricted in the United Arab Emirates in the past year, characterized by high levels of online censorship, onerous legal constraints, and heavy penalties for critical online speech. Vir: Freedom on the Net 2018

“The CIA doesn’t spy on the United Arab Emirates,” read a partial headline on a recent Reuters article. As someone who has lived in the Gulf, I had to laugh. There is plenty of spying in the Emirates — especially by the Emirates themselves. The government is keeping a close eye on the people who live there. Vir: Washington Post

Since the Arab uprisings of 2011, UAE has utilised ‘cyber-security governance’ to quell the harbingers of revolt and suppress dissident voices. Vir: Middle East Eye

One of the strongest economies in the Middle East, the UAE has for years invested heavily in being in the cutting edge of surveillance and repression. The government has spent millions of dollars buying and building hacking capabilities that they’ve used to target victims like prominent UAE-born human rights activist Ahmed Mansoor who is now in a secret prison for criticizing the ruling regime. Vir: Gizmodo

According to UAE’s law, every multi-story building must be equipped with surveillance cameras. Vir: Xinhuanet