They’re everywhere. Digital advertising has become one of the key platforms for surveillance capitalism which follows the digital user everywhere the user goes. Social media platforms, online media, search engines and other corners of the web are permeated with advertising technology that gathers an obscene amount of data about the digital users, their habbits, geolocation and other aspects of their lives. How do we deal with this issue, what are the negative consequences and who’s responsible for the situation we are currently in?
Join us in a debate with Karolina Iwanska (Panoptykon Foundation)
Se ti zdi to pomembno?
Projekt nastaja v sklopu zavoda Državljan D. Zavod se ne financira z državnim denarjem, temveč denar za delovanje pridobiva tudi z donacijami aktivne javnosti. Če ti je tematika nadzora in krčenja državljanskih pravic pomembna, razmisli o podpori.
Naše delovanje pokriva več različnih področij, od digitalnih pravic, medijske pismenosti in aktivnega državljanstva. Več o naših aktivnostih izveš na spletišču zavoda Državljan D.
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