They are coming for your face and other physical characteristics. Biometric surveillance grows rampant in almost every sector of our public lives, from security to retail stores, from work places to our private domiciles. Our faces are being stored, analysed, resold and reused for the purposes of surveillance, data mining, crime prevention, marketing and other usages.
At the same time their effectivnes is being questioned and their surveillance potential being highlighted as one of the key reasons against their implementation.
Why is biometric surveillance an ever-growing problem, how do we address it from a political and how from a consumer position and what can we expect moving forward?
Join us in a debate with:
– Matthias Marx, a research associate in the Security in Distributed Systems (SVS) research group at University of Hamburg, Department of Computer Science and
– Filip Milošević, Research And Development Specialist, SHARE foundation
Se ti zdi to pomembno?
Projekt nastaja v sklopu zavoda Državljan D. Zavod se ne financira z državnim denarjem, temveč denar za delovanje pridobiva tudi z donacijami aktivne javnosti. Če ti je tematika nadzora in krčenja državljanskih pravic pomembna, razmisli o podpori.
Naše delovanje pokriva več različnih področij, od digitalnih pravic, medijske pismenosti in aktivnega državljanstva. Več o naših aktivnostih izveš na spletišču zavoda Državljan D.
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