Content moderation is a tricky and precarious business, even when done by human professionals. But what happens when the content moderation is done by a machine? Algorithms are impacting the way we communicate, removing content, user profiles and other data points with impunity.

Why is this happening, what are the consequences and how to mitigate risks, assuring freedom of speech and data sovereignty?

Join us in an online debate with representatives from Panoptykon Foundation, Access Now and Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts where we address the issue of automated content moderation, the catastrophic consequences for business and users and the ways to address and solve the issue.

Se ti zdi to pomembno?

Projekt nastaja v sklopu zavoda Državljan D. Zavod se ne financira z državnim denarjem, temveč denar za delovanje pridobiva tudi z donacijami aktivne javnosti. Če ti je tematika nadzora in krčenja državljanskih pravic pomembna, razmisli o podpori.

Naše delovanje pokriva več različnih področij, od digitalnih pravic, medijske pismenosti in aktivnega državljanstva. Več o naših aktivnostih izveš na spletišču zavoda Državljan D.