The threat of Internet break-up has always lurked in the background as different countries tried to establish the localized version of an online environment, safe from foreign interference. From Russia to China, from EU to the USA, the ideas of digital firewalls, national disconnects and other tools of separation were always a political and a technical tool of democrats and autocrats alike. What conseqences would the splinternet have on our digital culture, freedom of expression and other human rights? How do we fight against it on a local and on a global level, what role to the big intermediaries play in preventing the splinternet from happening?

Joining us in the debate will be Renata Avila and Julien Rossi and they will higlight the political, legal and social issues connected with this phenomenon.

Renata Avila, (Guatemalan), CEO, Open Knowledge Foundation, is an international Human Rights lawyer, specialising in the next wave of technological challenges to preserve and advance our rights, and better understand the politics of data and their implications on trade, democracy and society. She is an Affiliate with the Stanford Institute of Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence. She is an Advisory Board member for Creative Commons. She also serves as a Board Member of the Common Action Forum and a Global Trustee of the Think Tank Digital Future Society. She is an advisory member of the initiative Cities for Digital Rights. She co-founded the Alliance for Inclusive Algorithms, the Progressive International and the Polylateral Association, an international platform cooperative for knowledge workers.

Julien Rossi is a researcher at COSTECH (Université de technologie de Compiègne) and PREFICS (Université Rennes 2), teacher and consultant specialising in data protection law and public policy and in Internet Governance studies. He recently finished a PhD on the production of data protection regulation, both legal and techno-political (in the form of Internet and/or Web standards). Since 2019, He is co-chair of an exciting Working Group on Internet Governance and Regulation at GDR 2091 Internet, IA et Société.