Covid-19 tracing apps were a techno-solutionism promise at the beginning of the pandemic but we soon realize that they are also a tool for surveillance capitalism normalization. How is this subject evolving even after we almost forgot about the once heralded covid-19 apps in different countries and what can we do to push back against the normalization of surveillance?

We sit down with Karolina Iwańska (European Center for Not-for-Profit Law Stichting) to discuss the report Under Surveillance: (Mis)use of Technologies in Emergency Responses that they published in cooperation with the International Network of Civil Liberties Organizations and Privacy International.

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Projekt nastaja v sklopu zavoda Državljan D. Zavod se ne financira z državnim denarjem, temveč denar za delovanje pridobiva tudi z donacijami aktivne javnosti. Če ti je tematika nadzora in krčenja državljanskih pravic pomembna, razmisli o podpori.

Naše delovanje pokriva več različnih področij, od digitalnih pravic, medijske pismenosti in aktivnega državljanstva. Več o naših aktivnostih izveš na spletišču zavoda Državljan D.