Za boljšo kritiko umetne inteligence
Zaslužimo si boljše kritike.
Digitalna suverenost plagiata
So slovenske digitalne politike samo plagiat idej mednarodnih organizacij?
Zakonodaja CSAR: Rešujejo otroke, ubijajo zasebnost!
Zakaj CSAR ne bo rešil otrok in zakaj bo ubil zasebnost?
Internet ljudi: 20 let človekovih pravic v informacijski družbi
Kdo so (bili) generatorji sprememb na tem področju?
Covid-19 tracing apps and human rights
Did they really solve anything or just made everything worse?
Who made who? Regulation of artificial intelligence
How should we handle the regulation of artificial intelligence?
Jason Scott (The Internet Archive): “Internet is extremely forgetful!”
Jason Scott on the topic of digital archives, freedom of information and the end of the internet.
EU media freedom act and propaganda
Are we done with fighting propaganda or is the real fight just beginning?
The future of biometric surveillance
Biometric surveillance regulation debate - the past, the present, the future.